
Busting Myths About Dental Treatments.

                                              Myths are havoc to society and there are numerous concerning Dental Treatments. The tooth is a very small part of our human body, which is why it is the most frequently neglected body part. This carelessness towards teeth makes Dental Awareness most challenging, especially in countries like India. Myths make it challenging and difficult for learned Dentists also to spread awareness. Today I am going to bust 5 myths concerning Dental Treatments with proper scientific explanations about them. 1. Visit a Dental Practitioner only when you have Tooth Pain:                                                      - "NOOO...". A big "NO" to this myth because once your tooth starts paining that means you have lost your natural tooth. - So, is it wise to wait until your tooth pains? The obvious answer is "NO". - Human Tooth essentially has 3 layers:         (I) Enamel- The Outer Layer.         (II) Dentin- The Middle Layer.

5 Amazing Habits To Prevent Tooth Decay

  5 Amazing Habits To Prevent Tooth Decay Tooth decay is the most common dental problem in the world. 80-90% of patients visiting a dental clinic complain of pain due to tooth decay.  Tooth decay is also termed Dental Caries. The occurrence of tooth decay can be due to multiple reasons but the most common reason is food lodgment in and around the teeth which cause invasion of bacteria. However, the occurrence of tooth decay cannot be eliminated but its frequency can be reduced drastically if oral hygiene is maintained and better oral care habits are incorporated.   I am going to list out “5 Oral Care Habits That Prevents Tooth Decay”.   1.    Rinse your mouth thoroughly after every meal.   This is the most basic habit but also the most important one. Many people ignore this habit but it plays a very crucial role in oral hygiene.   Rinsing your mouth thoroughly after every meal can help in minimizing food lodgment  which further helps in the red


  THE BEST TOOTH BRUSHING TECHNIQUE. Tooth Brushing is an inevitable activity in our daily routine. To the whole world, tooth brushing may seem like an extremely minute activity but it holds utmost importance in maintaining optimum oral health. Tooth brushing is the most neglected and taken-for-granted activity in the world. Around 45% of people do not brush twice daily and around 2% of people around the world do not brush regularly. As a Practicing Dentist, I get many questions regarding the best toothpaste or which toothpaste is the best, or should we switch to herbal toothpaste?? To all these queries my simple reply is- “Please concentrate on the Tooth Brushing Technique”. The most widely used organ in the human body is our teeth. On average, every 2 hours we are eating or chewing some food, hence teeth and oral cavity are the most common victim of bacterial invasion. Washing our mouth after every meal can only help get rid of major food remnants but the micro food remnant