Busting Myths About Dental Treatments.
Myths are havoc to society and there are numerous concerning Dental Treatments. The tooth is a very small part of our human body, which is why it is the most frequently neglected body part. This carelessness towards teeth makes Dental Awareness most challenging, especially in countries like India. Myths make it challenging and difficult for learned Dentists also to spread awareness. Today I am going to bust 5 myths concerning Dental Treatments with proper scientific explanations about them. 1. Visit a Dental Practitioner only when you have Tooth Pain: - "NOOO...". A big "NO" to this myth because once your tooth starts paining that means you have lost your natural tooth. - So, is it wise to wait until your tooth pains? The obvious answer is "NO". - Human Tooth essentially has 3 layers: (I) Enamel- The Outer Layer. (II) Dentin- The Middle Layer.